
Practice of Brown Sugar Ginger Soup - Cold Relieving and Cough Relieving

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In autumn and winter, when the temperature drops suddenly, a cold causes a cold cough. Boiling a bowl of brown sugar ginger soup can warm the stomach and relieve the night cough.

Operation method

Rinse ginger and slice. Ginger is recommended. The amount of ginger depends on your taste. Put more ginger if you can bear the spicy, but not less ginger. After all, the soup is drunk by oneself, so it's not so rigid.

Put it into the pot, boil it down, and cook for about 15 minutes until the ginger comes out.

According to your own taste, add brown sugar, wait for the sugar to melt, and then boil it. Pour out the ginger soup and drink it when it is warm.

When drinking brown sugar ginger soup, if you are cold and cough at night, you should drink it in time. If you want to recuperate, you'd better drink it from 9 to 11 in the morning. Brown sugar ginger soup is good for women. You can drink it often, but it is better to drink it in the morning. Of course, it also depends on the individual's physique. If you have a feeling of getting angry after drinking for a period of time, take it easy.

hot tip

Ginger soup for recuperating and nourishing the body. You can put some seedless dried red dates in proper amount. It's very good.

moonlight 2024-05-20 17:01:56
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