
Can I use big lipstick after expiration

I always believe
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Lipstick is a kind of cosmetics. Its ingredients will decompose and deteriorate over time, leading to a decline in its quality and effect. The use of expired lipstick may cause adverse effects on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended not to use expired lipstick.

How to determine whether lipstick is expired?

1. Observe the appearance: if the lipstick surface has cracks, discoloration, deformation, etc., it is likely to have expired.

2. Smell: If lipstick emits peculiar smell, it indicates that it has gone bad.

3. Touch: If the lipstick becomes dry, sticky or uneven, it may be because it has expired.

4. Check the shelf life: lipstick usually has a shelf life mark, which is generally 24 months. If it exceeds the shelf life, it is recommended not to use it.

If you are not sure whether the lipstick has expired, it is recommended not to use it. If you insist on using expired lipstick, it may lead to decomposition and deterioration of the ingredients in the lipstick, causing skin allergy, inflammation and other problems. Therefore, in order to protect skin health, it is recommended not to use expired lipstick. It is better to replace it with a new one in time.

I always believe 2024-04-21 14:54:51
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