
What to do if the baby refuses to eat milk powder

The Kiss of Time
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The baby does not eat milk powder, which makes many mothers with little milk headache. As the baby grows bigger, the mother's milk is also getting less and less. But what can we do if the baby does not eat milk powder? 1. Choose a suitable pacifier: Although the feeling of eating mother's milk will still be different from that of the best pacifier, you can choose a pacifier that is closer to it. Another is to cook the pacifier more to make it soft. Maybe the baby will accept it. 2. Check whether the baby doesn't like the taste of the nipple or the milk powder: try to squeeze milk into the bottle for the baby to eat. If he accepts it, he may not like the taste of the milk powder. You can try a brand that is close to the taste of milk powder. In addition, try to dilute the milk powder, cool it or warm it. 3. Add complementary food in time: after 2 months, you can drink juice, and after 4 months, you can eat complementary food. Rice flour, egg yolk, liver meal, fish meal, fruit puree gradually go to vegetable porridge, rotten noodles, etc. After you can eat complementary food, you will be much better, at least you can absorb nutrition from other aspects. However, too much complementary food will affect the amount of milk, so we should pay attention to it. 4. Give more confidence to breast milk: If you are too young to eat complementary food, you should eat more breast milk. Many mothers think that they have little breast milk. In fact, breast milk may be more than you think. When the baby is unwilling to eat milk powder, it is more important to play the role of breast milk. 5. Eating and drinking in front of her: At a certain stage, the baby will be very new to the outside world. Seeing what you are eating will be very appetizing and want to taste it. So sometimes she intentionally drinks or pretends to drink milk in front of her. She will always watch, and then quickly give her food. Sometimes she will eat a little, which is also applicable to eating complementary food.

The Kiss of Time 2024-05-18 04:53:49
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