
Zhao Youting was accused of ingratitude because his father humiliated Zhou Yumin that year?

Sitting in the garden watching the sunset
Favorable reply

The saying that people are popular and have more right and wrong can be applied at any time. This is not true. After Zhao Youting became angry for three generations, his affairs were uncovered again. What's the matter with him and Zai Zai, whose old stories were picked up in a forum? Xiao Bian will show you around.

Operation method

Zhao Youting and Zai Zhou Yumin once cooperated in Taiwan's idol gangster drama "Ruffian Hero" in 2009, so they got to know each other. As a senior, Zai Zai is also very supportive of younger generation. On every show, Zai Zai would tell the host to take more care of Zhao Youting. As a senior, why do you want to help a new junior so many times? The reason is that he wants to tell those newcomers that the entertainment industry is not just that way (implying backstage, hidden rules).

Of course, Zai Zai's promotion of younger generation is not a face saving project. Other people in the program confirmed that Zai Zai really did.

However, Zhao Shuhai, Zhao Youting's father, was so sad to have helped his son's son. Why on earth did Dad Zhao make such a mockery? A netizen explained that Zhao Youting has received a lot of good resources in recent years, relying on the backstage and relations. Compared with taking care of his young, he is very loving. When I was on the Kangxi show, I openly expressed my dissatisfaction with Zai Zai's current working conditions. Of course, he also expressed his great concern for Zai Zai's acting career and hoped that everything would be fine with him.

It's nothing in itself. Feng Shui takes turns. Zhao Youting, as a junior, also seems very generous when he speaks for his good brother who once helped him. The next day, however, the media magnified the event, and reported that Zhao Youting and Zai Zai were at odds, and Zhao Youting was resigned. As soon as the news broke out, Zhao Shuhai, as Zhao Youting's father, would certainly fight injustice for his son when he saw that his son's image was not good, so he said on his microblog that Zai Zai was hyping and choking fans back, "Mr. Zhou will end this year, and then you can dig graves again."

Netizens said that it was understandable to protect children, but they could not spread rumors or even curse Zhou Yumin.

Another thing is Zhao Youting's performance of the Golden Bell Award.

At that time, it was already known whether anyone had won the prize before the award. Everyone should watch the Golden Bell Award party just like watching a play. However, when giving Zhao Youting the award, Zhao Youting's expression was too exaggerated and his emotion was too excited. He was scolded by netizens for being pretentious and said he was too embarrassed. "I have known the award for a long time, and I pretended to be surprised when I received the award.".

Well, the last sentence of the editor is that star gossip is just a chat after tea. I also wish Zai Zai and Zhao Youting a more successful career~

Sitting in the garden watching the sunset 2024-05-17 00:19:00
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