
What's wrong with frequent and urgent urination

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Why does frequent and urgent urination occur? Here's why.

Causes of frequent urination

Normal adults urinate 4-6 times in the daytime and 0-2 times at night, and the frequency of urination increases significantly.

Increased urine volume: when the urine volume increases, the number of urination will also increase correspondingly. Under physiological conditions, such as drinking a lot of water, eating watermelons and drinking beer, frequency of urination occurs due to increased water intake and urination frequency. Under pathological conditions, for example, some patients with diabetes and diabetes insipidus drink more water, have more urine and urinate more frequently, but they have no feeling of discomfort in urination.

Inflammatory stimulation: when the bladder is inflamed, the urinary sense center is in an excited state, resulting in frequent urination and decreased urine volume. Therefore, frequent urination is an important symptom of cystitis, especially acute cystitis and tuberculous cystitis. Others, such as prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, children's chronic penis head foreskin, vulvitis, etc., can have frequent urination. Under the stimulation of inflammation, frequent urination, urgency and pain often occur at the same time, which is known as urinary tract irritation, commonly known as "triuria".

Non inflammatory stimulation: such as urinary tract stones and foreign bodies, usually with frequent urination as the main manifestation.

Decreased bladder capacity: ① male: bladder space occupying lesions, tuberculous bladder contracture or large bladder stones. ② Women: Bladder space occupying lesions, increased uterine compression during pregnancy, tuberculous bladder contracture or large bladder stones.

Psychoneurotic: frequency of urination is only seen in the daytime, or before going to sleep at night, which is often nervous or seen in hysterical patients. It can also be accompanied by urgency and pain in urination.

Causes of urgency of urination

Urgent urination means that the patient can't wait to urinate when he or she urinates, which is difficult to control.

The most common irritation of bladder and urethra is inflammatory irritation, such as pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis with infection, renal tuberculosis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, and vaginitis. It is most obvious in acute inflammation and active urinary tuberculosis.

Decreased bladder capacity, such as bladder space occupying lesions, or bladder wall inflammatory infiltration, sclerosis, contracture, resulting in decreased bladder capacity.

The dysfunction of bladder nerve function. Some women have a sense of urgency when having sex impulses, which may be due to urinary tract infection or reproductive system problems. This is because women's bladder, uterus and urethra are very close to the vagina, especially the urethra, which is likely to be injured in the friction of sexual intercourse. In addition, because women's urethra is short, it is easy to cause bacterial infection.

In addition, women who hold their urine, have sexual activities during menstruation, do not pay attention to vulva health, and pregnancy can also lead to urgency of urination.

Causes of continuous urination

Inadequate urination refers to the feeling that the bladder is full, the desire to urinate is urgent, and the fullness cannot be relieved after urination, accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, pain, and white urine. Urine 1000-2000ml every day, 4-6 times in the daytime and 0-2 times at night. If it exceeds this range, it can be confirmed that urine is not exhausted.

Inflammation stimulates inflammation in the bladder. When there is inflammation in the bladder, the threshold of nerve perception is reduced, the center of urinary sense is in an excited state, producing endless urine, and the urine volume is reduced (adults<300-500ml/time). Therefore, insufficient urine is an important symptom of cystitis, especially acute cystitis and tuberculous cystitis.

Non inflammatory stimuli, such as urinary calculi and foreign bodies, are usually characterized by incomplete urine.

Decreased bladder capacity, such as space occupying lesions of the bladder, increased uterine compression during pregnancy, tuberculous bladder contracture or large bladder stones.

Nervous urine is not only seen in the daytime, or before going to sleep at night. It is often nervous or seen in hysteria patients. It can also be accompanied by urgency and pain in urination.

A piece of red paper 2024-05-02 20:24:22
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