
How does Time Space Call retrieve the account

Follow the wind and fog
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Time and space summoning is a very interesting practical game. But what if the game called by Time and Space is stolen or cannot be found? In fact, we can find it in several ways, so that we can continue to play the game, so as to avoid the loss caused by re registration. The following little editor will tell you how to retrieve the account of Time and Space Call, hoping to help you.

Method 1

First, we open the mobile phone, click the "Time and Space Call" game, and enter the login interface of the time and space call game. Note that our Spatio Call game account is lost, but we can retrieve the game by changing the password, because we know the account, usually our mobile phone number or general account.

The interface we call in time and space is shown in the figure. Enter the time and space calling account without password. Then click the words "Forgot Password" to enter the interface for retrieving the password.

After that, we can enter the mobile phone number or the account number to confirm again, then we can start to retrieve the password, and operate according to the prompts. If it is a mobile phone registration, the password can be retrieved quickly.

Method 2

We can also directly call the customer service phone of Time and Space Call, so that we can tell each other our own situation and some data of Time and Space Call, so that the customer service will help us to retrieve our account, which is a convenient way.

Method 3

Time and space calling can also retrieve the account through online self-service. On the search engine, we can enter the words "Yinhan Game Overcome" to search for the place where we can retrieve the account online. We can click Enter to retrieve it.

We enter the online customer service interface, click "Retrieve Account/Password", and then click "Next" to enter the specific information input interface to help us retrieve the account.

The next step is to select the game interface. We select the "Time and Space Call" game, click it when we find it, and then click "Next" to enter the next interface.

Then we input "Game Channel", "Game Region", "Game ID" and "Role Name ID" respectively in the interface where we input the specific information of Spatio temporal calling game account. After entering these information, we confirm and click "Next". Then we explained the reason and waited for the customer service to deal with it. Soon we will be able to retrieve the time and space calling account.

Follow the wind and fog 2024-05-13 00:32:02
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