
How to kill flying cockroaches

The taste of coffee
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At present, no flying cockroaches have been found, but for ordinary cockroaches, the following methods can be used to kill them:

1. Use of insecticides: There are many kinds of insecticides on the market. You can choose the insecticides with the effect of killing cockroaches, and use them according to the instructions.

2. Use sticky bait: Put the sticky bait in the place where cockroaches often haunt, and cockroaches will be stuck and unable to escape, and eventually die.

3. Sanitation: Cockroaches like to live in a messy environment, so keeping the indoor sanitation clean can effectively reduce the number of cockroaches.

4. Blocking concealed places: Cockroaches often haunt concealed places such as wall joints and water leaks. Silica gel and adhesive tape can be used to block these places to reduce the opportunity for cockroaches to enter the room.

Attention should be paid to the safety when using pesticides to avoid harm to people and pets. At the same time, attention should be paid to the use method and dosage of pesticides, and excessive use should not be allowed.

The taste of coffee 2024-04-18 09:51:57
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