
Practice of Squid Head

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Squid, also known as squid and squid in Taiwan, can be eaten fresh or dried. Squid has high nutritional value and is a natural aquatic protein given by the sea to human beings. The nutritional value of squid is very high. It is rich in a variety of amino acids necessary for human body, and the composition of essential amino acids is close to total protein. It is a nutritious and healthy aquatic product with good flavor. Its nutritional value is no less than beef and tuna. Each hundred grams of dry product contains 66.7 grams of protein, 7.4 grams of fat, and a large amount of carbohydrates and calcium, phosphorus, sulfonic and other inorganic salts. The protein content of fresh squid is as high as 16%~20%, and the fat content is extremely low, less than 1%, so the calories are also low. For people who are afraid of fat, eating squid is a good choice.

Operation method

Cut red pepper, garlic slices, ginger shreds.

Rinse squid head, remove eyeballs and cut into strips.

Slice cucumber.

Boil a large bowl of water, turn off the fire after boiling, pour the squid head into the water to change color, and then pick it up.

Heat the oil pan and saute the shredded ginger and garlic until fragrant.

Add cooking wine to add flavor to the squid, stir fry over high heat.

Stir fry the red pepper with salt and oyster sauce to taste.

When the red pepper is cut off, pour in the cucumber slices and mix until even.

Forget the past 2024-05-19 01:21:48
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Q: How to choose jackfruit

Answer: Choose jackfruit: 1. Observe the color. Jackfruit in mature season is generally golden in color. If the jackfruit is not completely ripe, it may bring a little green. Turquoise is the original color of jackfruit. When the mature season comes, the size is basically unchanged, and the color will gradually become golden. However, this doesn't mean that you can't buy golden jackfruit, and you can also buy green jackfruit, but it is about to mature. After you buy it back and put it for three or two days, it will gradually become mature and yellow. 2. Observe the skin. The high-quality jackfruit has a intact skin, which has many sharp "nails" or "thorns". This is also the particularity of jackfruit skin. Small black spots on the skin are normal, which is also a normal phenomenon of mature jackfruit. However, if there are too many small black spots, or if all of them are black, you should be careful at this time. Check whether the black area is rotten. If it is rotten, handle it carefully. 3. Look at the size. This step does not mean the size of jackfruit. There is no reference to the size of jackfruit, because jackfruit varies in size, and the size is all right. The size at this time refers to the size of the "nails" on the epidermis. The "nails" on the skin of jackfruit, which is still in the growth stage, will be sharp, because it is a growth trend. In the mature period, the "nails" on the skin of jackfruit are relatively low-key, conservative and soft, but the tips of the "nails" have shrunk a little, which is very important. 4. Smell the smell. The mature jackfruit will have a strong fragrance, and the skin will have a little crack, where the crack will have a stronger fragrance. 5. Try it. After peeling off the jackfruit, in addition to smelling a strong fragrance, you will see that there will be jackfruit pieces at the incision. Take one off, remove the stone inside, and you can taste it. Different people have different opinions on the taste of the food. However, if it is found to be rotten after cutting, it should be treated carefully and stopped using when necessary.

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