
Taobao generally does not include mail areas

Youth is a ridiculous weapon
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Operation method

Generally, overseas mail is not included, because the postage is relatively expensive, so some businesses do not include mail.

Xinjiang and Tibet also do not include postal services. Xinjiang and Tibet are geographically remote, sparsely populated and have high freight costs.

In Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and other regions, ordinary businesses will not package mail. These regions are not very developed, transportation is not very convenient, and freight costs are high.

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan generally do not send by parcel. In these regions, express companies usually choose air freight, which is too expensive.

Youth is a ridiculous weapon 2024-04-18 14:40:42
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Q: Is it true that an earthquake will occur when an earthquake fish appears

Answer: The occurrence of earthquake fish does not necessarily lead to earthquakes. The earthquake fish generally refers to the emperor hairtail, which is the longest bony fish in the world. The general body length is 300 cm, and the maximum weight is 272.0 kg. The body is slender and banded. Because after earthquakes in some coastal areas, the waves will impact the hairtail near the coast, so it is also called earthquake fish. The hairtail is a marine species that lives in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, 1000 meters deep, and usually 200 meters deep. They are carnivorous fish. They are ferocious and have the behavior of cannibalism. Its food includes all kinds of small and medium-sized fish, squid, krill, crabs, etc. The hairtail is widely distributed in all parts of the world except polar seas.

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