
Sina Weibo rating system update in December 2014

I will remember to laugh when I am sad
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The microblog level is the witness of user activity and honor. As users explore and grow on Weibo, their ratings will grow. The higher the level, the more privileges to crack, and the richer the exclusive benefits! On December 16, 2014, the rating system of Sina Weibo was updated. At present, the highest ranking of microblog is 25.

Operation method

The experience value system is used for this update.

Upgrading is divided into basic tasks and growth tasks.

With the increase of the level, you can obtain the qualification to have the exclusive prize of the corresponding level. The higher the level, the higher the value of the exclusive prize.

The key point is that the calculation method and logo of microblog grade are different from those before.

Continuous login task reward mechanism.

Member acceleration mechanism.

At present, the highest ranking of microblogs is 25, 11 levels higher than the original 14.

hot tip

Updated introduction for December 2014 only

I will remember to laugh when I am sad 2024-05-14 13:31:51
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Q: What's the difference between Double 11 and Double 12

Answer: The difference between the Double 11 and the Double 12: 1. An important difference is that the merchants involved are different: the traffic of the "Double 11" is mainly Tmall Mall, and the following "Double 12" is mainly the C shop of Taobao Market, or some small and medium-sized sellers of one diamond, two diamonds and three diamonds. 2. From the perspective of activity coverage: "Double Eleven" is mainly aimed at brands, and relatively speaking, the coverage is not wide. The "Double Twelfth" will involve hundreds of thousands of offline merchants, truly combining the Internet with offline business entities, and ushering in a new era of business intelligence. Covering eight offline scenes, including catering, supermarkets, convenience stores, takeaway, business circles, airports, beauty salons, cinemas, etc., the activities have spread to more than 200 cities nationwide and 12 countries and regions, including Australia, Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, providing services for hundreds of millions of consumers. The Double Twelfth Festival has become a consumption carnival of offline service industry. 3. From the perspective of sales volume, the priority of "Double 11" and "Double 12" is also reflected in the sales data. Every year, the sales data of the Double 11 will be released. From 0 to 120.7 billion yuan, the Double 11 has opened the door to a new retail economy. However, the "Double Twelfth" has never announced its sales volume. It seems that the sales volume has never been the focus for the Double Twelfth. 4. Alibaba's support and support are different: "Double 11" is the highlight of Alibaba. It is aimed at Tmall platform, which is very helpful to Tmall businesses, especially the original offline brands, but harms the interests of small and medium-sized businesses on Taobao; The "Double Twelfth" is mainly aimed at Taobao merchants. Its role is to appease small Taobao merchants' dissatisfaction with the closure of the Double Eleventh Festival, and to improve their performance and attention.

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