
What to do with many insects in rainy days

Be happy to know the destiny
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Many insects in the house on rainy days may be caused by humid environment and lack of ventilation. Here are some solutions:

1. Keep the room dry and ventilated: use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to adjust the indoor humidity, open the window for ventilation, and let the indoor air flow, so as to prevent insects from growing and breeding in a humid environment.

2. Clean the room: keep the room clean and tidy, regularly clean the floor, furniture and corners, remove garbage and food residues, etc., and avoid insects looking for food and shelter.

3. Use of pesticides: The insecticides on the market can be used to eliminate indoor insects, but attention should be paid to the use method and safety to avoid harm to human beings and pets.

4. Install insect screen: install insect screen at doors, windows and vents to effectively prevent insects from entering the room.

5. Use plants to repel insects: some plants, such as mint, rosemary, purslane, have insect repellent effects, and these plants can be placed indoors to repel insects.

To sum up, in order to solve the problem of insects in rainy days at home, we need to start from many aspects, such as keeping indoor dry and ventilated, cleaning and hygiene, using pesticides, installing insect prevention nets and using plants to repel insects, and comprehensively use various methods to achieve the best effect.

Be happy to know the destiny 2024-04-21 15:52:02
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