
Skillfully wash your face with honey

How can I rely on my strength
Favorable reply

It is suitable for all seasons, simple, cheap and practical! Many people will have dry skin in winter, so they should wipe hand cream immediately after washing. It can be solved with honey.

Operation method

Wash your face with cleanser in the morning or at night before going to bed. It is best to use warm water. In addition to thoroughly cleaning the skin, it can also help open pores.

As for a small amount of honey in the palm, add a small amount of water to dilute it (pay attention to a little water.) You can also mix honey into facial cleanser for use. The effect is the same.

Spread honey evenly on face and back of hand. Gently massage the face. After about two or three minutes, rinse it with clean water. For sensitive skin, it is better not to use honey to wash your face.

Buy pure honey. Some poor manufacturers add sugar to their honey. It's better not to wash your face. Honey has the effect of nourishing skin and lightening spots.

At home, you can directly use honey as a mask, and after cleansing, evenly smear a layer on the surface of the skin. Wash it off in about ten to fifteen minutes.

When you get up early, drink a cup of honey water. Helps to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. It can improve constipation. When you drink tea, you can also put a spoonful of honey. The donkey hide gelatin powder is washed with water and has a strong fishy smell. A spoonful of honey can alleviate the fishy smell.

hot tip

This is a long-term process. Generally, a month's persistence will have an effect. Especially in winter, when the weather is dry.

How can I rely on my strength 2024-05-15 13:57:01
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