
How to deal with blackmail virus

Red Warbler and Green Willow
Favorable reply

Operation method

First of all, on another computer that is safe from virus infection, go to the Sogou engine and search for a safe anti-virus software: NSA tool software, which is officially released for this kind of virus.

Secondly, after downloading the software, open the infected computer. At this time, remember to close the network connection of this abnormal computer.

Then, transfer the newly downloaded repair tool software to this abnormal computer with the help of a USB flash drive, but remember to insert it into the normal computer for antivirus after use.

Finally, open the anti-virus software that has been transferred, and then decompress the software first. This process is very fast. After successful decompression, you can start anti-virus.

Red Warbler and Green Willow 2024-04-19 17:50:42
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