
Floor heating becomes the most popular way of heating in the south

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The winter in the south was cold in the past, and the cold degree last year was stronger than that in the past, so the heating mode became a common consideration. Electric floor heating gradually became popular. Unlike water heating, electric floor heating is a heating mode suitable for small families. It can be seen from the survey results that, at present, air conditioning and traditional heating are still the mainstream heating methods in consumers' lives, with the proportion of 26.69% and 22.83% respectively, followed by floor heating with a utilization rate of 21.86%. In the survey of "Which heating method do you prefer?", 47.16% of netizens chose floor heating - more than half of them came from Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi and other southern areas not covered by traditional heating. At present, many families in the south rely on air conditioners or other electric heaters for heating. However, as a temporary heating mode, air conditioning heating is mainly used to heat the room that is not warm enough. Although this method is fast and convenient, if it is not properly handled on safety and environmental protection issues, it is very likely to become the main cause of spreading bacteria or inducing respiratory diseases. At the same time, when using air conditioners for heating, indoor ventilation must be carried out frequently, because air conditioners are equivalent to internal circulation, and a large amount of indoor carbon dioxide and volatile pollutants will spread in the circulation. Air conditioning pipes and air conditioning filter screens should also be cleaned frequently, and attention should be paid to selecting environmentally safe cleaning materials to avoid double pollution. Therefore, air conditioning heating seems simple, but there are many hidden dangers and troubles. At present, in addition to air conditioning, we rely on floor heating for heating. The floor heating mainly provides heat from the ground to the room in the form of thermal radiation, which meets the physiological needs of the human body of "enough heat and cold head", and is a kind of heating method highly praised abroad. From the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, among various heating modes, floor heating is also the most consistent heating mode with the physiological needs of human body heating, which can better solve the problem of "cold starts at the foot". Energy conservation, more use of electricity and other cleaner renewable energy has become a world trend. If this trend continues, it is bound to affect the prospects of many household goods using non renewable energy. For example, the natural gas used for water heating is non renewable energy, so it needs less. In comparison, floor heating with electricity as energy is a more environmentally friendly and energy-saving heating method, and it is also a more economical heating product for users. Electric floor heating refers to a heating system that uses electricity as energy, spreads electric heating body under the floor, and directly realizes electric heating conversion. Electric floor heating is mainly composed of two subsystems: control (temperature control and electrical safety protection) system and ground heating system. Therefore, in recent years, a new type of electric floor heating made of materials, carbon fiber floor heating, has begun to appear, and has been accepted and welcomed by more and more users in the south!

Profound style 2024-05-18 07:05:34
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