
Do you burn when you eat too much dried strawberries

Let go of yourself
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If you eat too much strawberry, you won't get angry, but if you eat too much strawberry, your body will not absorb it. Strawberry is rich in nutrition and has the effects of appetizing, defecating, beauty and beauty. It can be eaten by general people, especially some people with poor appetite, constipation, poor skin, etc.

Don't eat more dried strawberries. Dried strawberries are rich in sugar. After drying at high temperature for a period of time, the moisture in dried strawberries will be largely evaporated, so the sweetness will be higher than that of fresh strawberries. If you eat too much, you will eat too much sugar, causing obesity. In addition, the sugar in dried strawberries will remain on the teeth. If you do not rinse and brush your teeth in time, many bacteria will grow, It is harmful to the health of teeth, so it is not advisable to eat more, 20-30g each time, which is equivalent to a small handful, to avoid aggravating the situation of tooth decay.

The dried strawberry contains a lot of sugar, so it is not suitable for some diabetics to eat, so as to avoid increasing the blood sugar content in the body and causing discomfort. Strawberry is dry and cold. It is not recommended that some people with cold constitution eat too much to avoid aggravating the cold air in the body and causing discomfort.

Strawberry is a kind of cool food, which has good intestinal smoothness and is beneficial to moistening the intestines. At the same time, it contains a lot of pectin, cellulose and other substances. After eating, it is conducive to promoting intestinal peristalsis, helping the body to smoothly discharge feces, and has the function of moistening the intestines and catharsis.

Let go of yourself 2024-04-20 02:11:50
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