
Difference between LARGE function and MAX function in EXCEL

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When only one maximum value is returned from a set of data, the LARGE function can play the same role as the MAX function, but if you need to return several maximum values, you can only use the LARGE function.

Operation method

1. The LARGE function returns the kth maximum value of the data group.

2. The MAX function returns the maximum value in a set of data.

3. The LARGE function has two parameters. The first parameter is the numerical region, and the second parameter is the largest value to be returned.

4. The MAX function can return a maximum value from 1-255 data. The following figure shows a data area and returns a maximum value in that area.

5. If only one maximum value in the data needs to be returned, then the LARGE function and MAX function have the same results.

6. If it is necessary to use LARGE function to return several maximum values in the data, it is a convenient method to write formulas nested with LARGE function and ROW function.

7. If the data area is defined as a name, it will be faster to write formulas, and it is also convenient to reduce the error rate.

hot tip

You must master the method of function nesting.

Reverse the current year 2024-05-23 13:50:45
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