
What is the color of menstruation blackening

A fire in winter
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In daily life, many female patients will have gynecological abnormal symptoms, such as less menstruation and dark color. Many patients do not understand this. What is the reason for less menstruation and dark color? The following is a specific introduction for female patients.

Common factors

It may be the cause of endometrium, such as endometrial lesions caused by endometrial tuberculosis, or thin endometrium caused by induced abortion.

Endocrine disorders, such as abnormal secretion of various hormones or anovulation.

The endometrium is damaged due to too frequent sexual intercourse, too many births, multiple abortions and drug abortions.

Poor mood or depression, or temper tantrums affect blood flow, resulting in blood stasis, less menstruation.

Weak physique, long illness and chronic disease consume yin and blood, poor diet, too much thinking, resulting in insufficient qi and blood.

Obesity leads to endocrine disorder and no ovulation.

A fire in winter 2024-05-05 02:16:33
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