
How to eat papaya tells you how to eat papaya

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Do you know how to eat papaya? Let's have a look

Operation method

We all know that papaya is nutritious, but some people still don't know how to eat papaya. Let me tell you how to eat it. First, wash a proper amount of papaya, peel and seed it, and cut it into pieces for later use.

Put water in the boiling pot, add the cut papaya, bring to a boil over high heat, and cook for about ten minutes. Pay attention to choosing ripe papaya, which will be more fragrant and sweet.

Boil the papaya thoroughly, add a cup of fresh milk, boil it again, and stir it with a spoon. Then we can smell the milk.

Put the boiled papaya milk into a bowl. It is the most healthy way to eat papaya while boiling it. It is delicious and nutritious when paired with fresh milk. It is especially suitable for women who love beautiful women. It is sweet and delicious with strong flavor.

Heroes have dreams 2024-05-26 15:09:55
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