
Role of vitamins

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Lightbringer - Vitamin A: chemical name: retinol, as its name implies, is related to human vision. It can prevent night blindness, improve vision decline, and treat various eye diseases. It also has the effect of regulating the metabolism of the epidermis and stratum corneum to eliminate wrinkles, improve dry and cracked skin, and make the skin smooth again.

Body regulator vitamin B family: Vitamin B is a huge family. We are familiar with vitamin B1, B2, B9, etc. They all play an important role in regulating the circulatory system of the body, such as human physical strength, attention, memory, mood, etc. Adequate intake can also promote physical health and make you energetic. Female friends should pay attention to supplement vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 to prevent anemia and make you look better.

More C, more beautiful - Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a necessary factor for skin collagen synthesis, so we often hear similar advertising slogans about more C, more beautiful. Because the collagen of the skin will gradually lose as you grow older, and vitamin C can promote the formation of collagen, block ultraviolet rays, inhibit the production of melanin, delay aging, and make you more beautiful.

Sunlight calcium supplement vitamin D is also important for bone health, which can prevent rickets in children and osteoporosis in the elderly. When the sun shines on the skin, the body will produce vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D can be extremely harmful. The formation of heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and other diseases is closely related to vitamin D deficiency.

Promote reproduction - Vitamin E can promote the secretion of sex hormones and increase the vitality and quantity of men's sperm; It can increase female estrogen concentration, improve fertility and prevent abortion. Vitamin E can also effectively fight against free radicals, inhibit the formation of lipid peroxide, and remove chloasma.

Blood coagulation artifact - vitamin K is mainly used to promote blood coagulation, so vitamin K is also called coagulation vitamin. Vitamin K is also involved in bone metabolism. For the elderly, their bone density is positively correlated with vitamin K. Women who often take a large amount of green vegetables containing vitamin K can effectively reduce the risk of fracture.

Still water depth 2024-05-07 10:09:10
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