
Free virtual space opening process

Under the warm sun
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Operation method

Log in to the member account (please register the account first for non member users)

Select free space products, add to shopping cart and settle

After clearing the free space shopping cart, you can directly click "Activate" in the generated order. After entering the activation page, please fill in the website domain name, FTP password and website filing number to confirm the activation

Copy the following code to add to your website homepage

After completing the above steps, you can show your website to your friends!

hot tip

Customers who purchase free space need to add Jing'an Network LOGO link at the bottom of the home page of the website; Our system will scan websites using free space from time to time. If no Jing'an network logo link is added to the homepage of the website within seven days of opening, the website will be automatically deleted by the system;

Our program only scans the complimentary three-level domain name and business logo domain name. If your business logo is not the actual website address of your website, please modify it through the "Modify Domain Name" function of the management platform;

Please do not modify the code provided by our company at will, or save the pictures in the code to your website for access, which will cause our program to judge your website as not adding code and close your website;

Please do not jump through JS on the home page, or our program will be unable to scan your website normally and close your website (you can jump through 301 redirect)

Under the warm sun 2024-05-10 16:41:08
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Latest answers Change


Q: How do Alipay clerks check accounts

Answer: Alipay clerks' general audit process: 1. First, find Alipay software on the mobile phone page and click to enter. 2. Then, find My in the lower right corner of the main page of Alipay and click. 3. Next, find the merchant service at the top of my page and click. 4. Finally, after entering the merchant service, select View Details above. One Alipay account can only join one store, but Alipay Salesperson can add up to 50 employees. Log in to Alipay, enter the merchant service on my page - enter the shop assistant link, and then click the Add shop assistant button to obtain the authorized QR code. Note that the QR code is updated every two minutes. After the update, the old code is invalid, so Alipay users who need to become shop assistants can become shop assistants by scanning the QR code.

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