
How to make eggs float in water

Middle age is like a poem
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Under normal circumstances, fresh eggs will not float in water. What should we do if we want the egg to surface? Now let's let the small editor explain to everyone.

Operation method

Concentrated brine. Why can't eggs float in water? The main reason is that the density of eggs is greater than that of water, so once we make the density of eggs less than that of water, the eggs will not sink, but will float directly. When a certain amount of salt is added to the water, the density will increase, and then the eggs will surface.

Sugar water. In addition to adding salt to water and increasing the density of water, we can also add sugar to water directly. When the concentration of sugar water is high, eggs can float in it.

Use plastic foam. We can also wrap a layer of plastic foam that is much less dense than water on the outside of the egg, so that the egg can float in the water.

Leave the eggs for a while. If there is no help from the outside, we can also directly place the eggs for several weeks, so that the eggs will deteriorate, the quality of the inside will change, the density will also change, and then the eggs will float in the water.

Middle age is like a poem 2024-05-23 07:19:26
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