
What dipping materials are used for cooking vegetables to lose weight

Old Moon by the River
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Boiled vegetable is a healthy way of eating with low calorie and fat, suitable for people who want to lose weight. However, the taste of boiled dishes is relatively light, and proper dipping materials are needed to increase the taste and delicacy. The following dipping materials are suitable for cooking:

1. Sesame sauce juice: Mix sesame sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger, chili oil, etc. evenly to make sesame sauce juice. The sesame paste juice is rich in taste, spicy and delicious, and can enhance the taste of boiled vegetables.

2. Garlic paste: Mix the garlic powder, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, pepper powder, etc. evenly to make garlic paste. Garlic paste is rich and spicy, which can increase the flavor of boiled vegetables.

3. Douban sauce: Mix the Douban sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chopped green onion and ginger to make Douban sauce. The bean sauce is fresh and spicy, which can enhance the taste of boiled vegetables.

4. Hot and sour juice: Mix vinegar, sugar, salt, chili powder, onion and ginger powder to make hot and sour juice. Hot and sour juice tastes hot and sour, and can increase the flavor of boiled vegetables.

In a word, the dipping materials of boiled vegetables should be rich in taste and delicious, which can be adjusted according to personal taste. At the same time, in order to ensure the weight loss effect, the amount of dipping material should be appropriate, not too much.

Old Moon by the River 2024-04-21 23:09:42
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