
How to do if there are black spots on the surface of teeth?

Half trip
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Recently, I had some black spots on my teeth, which could not be removed by fingernails. Later, I used some methods to remove them. Here are some of them.

Operation method

If your teeth are only dotted with black spots on the surface, you can go to the supermarket to buy toothpastes that are specially used to repair teeth and reduce dental plaque. Pay attention to buying big brands with guaranteed quality.

When using the toothbrush to brush teeth, let the toothpaste stay in the mouth for a while, and then brush the teeth. Brush the places with dental plaque several times as hard as possible, and brush up and down along the crevices.

In terms of the number of times to brush your teeth, you usually brush your teeth three times a day. If it is too late, you should brush your teeth at least twice.

If the black spots on the teeth are obviously reduced after a period of use, continue to brush. If there is no effect, it may be dental calculus, and you need to go to a regular dental hospital for examination and treatment.

Usually, we should drink less tea and smoke less, and pay special attention to not drinking strong tea. After drinking tea, we should rinse our mouth with boiled water in time to effectively avoid dental plaque.

Half trip 2024-05-20 14:59:42
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