
Teach you how to make dumplings

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It is believed that everyone is familiar with Zongzi, but many people do not understand how to make Zongzi. Here is a little compilation to share the steps of making Zongzi for your reference.

Operation method

Buy mung beans with good shells, and soak mung beans and glutinous rice in water for one night.

Cut the streaky pork into thick slices, marinate it with proper amount of salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger slices and thirteen spices for about 5 hours, and clean the leaves with water.

When everything is ready, start to make dumplings. First, hand over the two ends of the leaves to make a V shape.

Then put a third of V's glutinous rice in it, then put some mung beans, then put one or two pieces of pork in it, cover it with glutinous rice, and then fold the tip of the zong leaf to cover the ingredients.

It can be tied and fixed with wire.

Put the wrapped rice dumplings into the pot and add water. The water should cover the rice dumplings, and then boil them for about 5 hours.

To the past 2024-05-13 02:55:57
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