
Benefits of eating scallions

Flowers smell sweet
Favorable reply

I often eat scallions in my life. In addition to seasoning, scallions have other benefits

Operation method

Scallion is rich in nutritional value, mainly containing protein, fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals, which can supplement various elements needed by the human body. It can timely supplement our nutrition.

The phytobactericide contained in welsh onion has a strong bactericidal effect, especially on dysentery bacillus and skin fungi. The pectin contained in scallion can significantly reduce the occurrence of colon cancer and has anti-cancer effect. The allicin in scallion can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Scallion can prevent respiratory infectious diseases and effectively treat colds. Once people sneeze, cry, runny nose and other symptoms occur, chew the scallion white until they sweat.

Eating more leeks can improve the digestive function of the human body, invigorate the spleen and appetizer, increase appetite, and remove the dirt and turbid gas accumulated in the stomach and intestines.

For those who are prone to eye fatigue and suffer from insomnia and neurasthenia, eating more onions can be energetic and improve our work efficiency.

The effective ingredients of scallion, such as volatile oil, can stimulate the sweat glands of the body to achieve the function of sweating and heat dissipation; Scallion oil stimulates the upper respiratory tract, making phlegm easy to cough up.

The white part of the scallion contains a large amount of allicin, which can stimulate the secretion of norepinephrine, thus promoting the decomposition of human body fat. Therefore, if you eat more leeks, you will enhance the release of heat energy, which will reduce the accumulation of fat.

The scallions are engaged in "cleaning" and "refueling" in the human body. People with anemia and low blood pressure can supplement energy by eating more scallions.

Flowers smell sweet 2024-05-17 05:26:43
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