
How to remove the honor of the king

Lost Birds Return to the Forest
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Operation method

First, we open WeChat and click Wallet (as shown in the figure).

After entering the wallet, click the upper right corner, and a small menu will appear. Click Payment Management (as shown in the figure).

After entering payment management, click real name authentication. (as shown in the figure).

After clicking, we will enter the real name authentication center, and then we can conduct identity authentication. As long as we are 18 years old or older, the system will be disabled. Young friends who are not old enough should not use their parents' ID cards. They should focus on studying hard. After all, they will grow up sooner or later.

Lost Birds Return to the Forest 2024-05-06 02:04:53
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Q: Please tell me how to turn off WeChat after taking a snapshot

A: There is no way to turn off the "take a beat" function of WeChat for the time being. For now, if you don't want this function, you can only uninstall the current high version of WeChat and go to the next lower version, that is, WeChat without the "take a beat" function. The snap function is a new function recently launched, which can be used in the friend chat dialogue interface and group chat chat interface. Double click the user's avatar that needs to be photographed. When the avatar of the other party has a vibrating effect, it means that it has successfully photographed the other party. In addition to taking a snapshot of friends, you can also take a snapshot of yourself.

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