
How to draw a frog - How to draw a little frog - How to draw a frog - Simple fish strokes

Favorable reply

Can teach children to draw, very simple painting skills, all of which are drawn by a small editor when he was young, and share them with everyone! I hope it can help netizens who have children at home

Operation method

Step 1: First draw two circles to show the frog's eyes.

Step 2: Draw a big ellipse between the two circles to represent the frog's body.

Step 3: Draw the frog's legs on the left and right sides below the frog's body. Draw a few strokes to show the frog's webbing.

Step 4: Draw the forelimbs of the frog on the left and right sides of the upper body of the frog, and draw a few claws.

Step 5: Draw the frog's eyes, and draw several stripes on the frog's body representing the frog's body.

Coloring part: draw a few tadpoles beside the frog, which can be painted black. The body of a frog can be painted green with a coloured pen.

Tea 2024-05-20 14:21:32
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