
What types of women do you love most in your life

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Men will have their favorite women even if they are flirting again. As the saying goes, every man has his own love for turnips and vegetables. A woman with temperament does not need to use too much appearance to attract men. A woman who does not like makeup and has a plain face all day long will also be the favorite of some men. So what kind of women do men love most? There are several types of women that men love most in their life. Men love six kinds of women most in their life. Let's see how the six types of women men love most are


The type of woman that men love most in their life: Girlfriend type Girlfriend type women are characterized by their endurance. This kind of girl is not so beautiful, but she always has a kind of aura. Their special temperament makes them go to the street with their husbands seven or eight years after marriage, and they are still regarded as the man's "girlfriend". The life of such girls is very simple, and their laughter can always be heard in life.

The type of woman that men love most in their life: "Achun" type girls are like Achun in Peking Man in New York, mature, smart and full of femininity. Although this capable woman is a bit strong, she is full of temptation from top to bottom. They are the favorites of mature men who have experienced many vicissitudes and countless experiences. They need such confidants most when they are struggling in the world.

The type of woman men love most in their life: Sister type sister type girls look mature and stable on the surface, but actually they love to play coquetry with their beloved men. It will be the food that both young boys and mature men want. Boys who are a few years younger than her or the same age, but have very young psychological age, will feel that their sister type girlfriend is very considerate and can help them succeed in their career. Men who are more mature than "sister" will prefer sister type girls, because they want girls who are mature outside and will act coquetry at home.

The type of woman that men love most in their life: small fine bean type small fine bean type girl is a neutral person between a little boy and a little girl with short hair and naive smile. People often think that men will regard such girls as their brothers. In fact, they are most likely to capture the young and handsome Prince Charming. The most famous combination of this kind is "scarab" Liu Chunyan and her handsome husband.

The type of woman that men love most in their life: The type of good girl is the girl most wanted by all the boys who have just passed puberty, with long hair, fine white skin and crooked eyes when they smile. They are not so "women", so that the big boy has no pressure, is not so secular, and just fits in with the big boy's fantasy.

The type of woman that men love most in their life: plain faced face. In fact, many men do not like women's makeup, but prefer a "real" girl. Such girls never make up. They are neither stunning in beauty nor frighteningly ugly. It's average, it's dull. A boy with a pure heart would want such a fresh girl.

Start over 2024-05-19 04:23:16
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