
Four beauty tips for women's private places

Laugh at my downfall
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Many girls who love beauty care about the color of their private parts. They think that the color of their private parts is black and ugly. Therefore, they want to make their private parts pink and tender, which requires some tricks to reduce the melanin in their private parts to achieve their goal. How to whiten women's private parts

Operation method

Eat less photosensitive vegetables Common photosensitive vegetables are celery, coriander, white radish, etc. After eating these photosensitive vegetables and basking in the sun, it will accelerate the precipitation of melanin, resulting in darker skin in private areas. Therefore, eat less photosensitive vegetables, which is good for whitening.

Eating more vitamin foods and more foods containing vitamins, especially foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, can whiten the skin, resist oxidation, and thus have a better whitening effect. Therefore, women who want to whiten their privacy must eat more vitamin food

At present, there are many whitening products for private parts on the market, many of which have the effect of reducing melanin. Using pinkbaby series whitening products for private parts can play the role of reducing melanin, thus achieving the effect of whitening private parts.

Avoid wearing tight pants and thongs in the private area during maintenance, otherwise, it will accelerate the precipitation of melanin in the private area, which will lead to the color deepening of the private area. If you want underwear, you'd better choose cotton breathable underwear. You should change it every day. Remember to expose it to the sun after washing, which is good for your private health.

Laugh at my downfall 2024-05-17 17:43:37
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