
How to Get Array Length and Traversal Array in Java One dimensional Array

Butterflies fly
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In Java, an array is a data storage structure, a collection of data of the same type, which is used to store multiple data of the same type, and is also the basis for the implementation of the algorithm. Here's how to obtain the length of the array and traverse the array in Java one-dimensional array

Operation method

Open our Eclipse, create a new project, and create a new class in the project src directory.

To better manipulate arrays, Java provides the length attribute for arrays to obtain the array length. The syntax format is as follows.

Create the integer type variable array, initialize the assignment to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, create the integer type variable len, and use the variable array to obtain the array length of the variable len.

We use subscripts to reference array elements and obtain array length, and we can use circular statements to access all elements of the array.

Accessing array elements from front to back is an array traversal and iteration.

On the Java SE 5.0 platform, the enhanced for loop syntax, called for each loop, is added, which is more suitable for traversing arrays.

Create an integer type array, initialize the assignment, use the for each loop, and use the variable aa to access the value of each element in the array.

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Butterflies fly 2024-05-26 02:31:53
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