
How to make fragrant and glutinous Ai Ci Ba

Lotus floating in clear spring
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Operation method

Wash fresh wormwood leaves and drain

Put wormwood leaves into a pot, add proper amount of salt to blanch, remove and squeeze out the water

Beat into the mixer and crush it

Then pour the crushed wormwood leaves into the glutinous rice flour

Add proper amount of warm water to knead the glutinous rice flour into a smooth dough

Put the soaked peanuts into the mixer, add proper amount of white granulated sugar and smash them

Then put the crushed peanuts into a pot, boil them into peanut butter, cool them, and put them into a bottle for standby

Take a small dough and make it into a hat shape. Dig out a spoonful of peanut butter and put it in the bag

Finally, put the wrapped glutinous rice cake into the pot and steam it.

Lotus floating in clear spring 2024-05-02 13:57:20
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