
What's the use of stimulating battlefield drinks and painkillers

Orange scent
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First of all, I want to say that drinks and painkillers have the same effect, but the effect of painkillers is better than drinks, which is why more players in the game prefer to choose painkillers rather than drinks.

In addition, painkillers and drinks can restore physical strength. Many players do not understand the concept of physical strength very well. In fact, players will find that people who have drinks are faster than those who do not drink drinks when walking.

However, both painkillers and drinks have the effect of restoring blood volume. For example, when your blood volume reaches more than 70% but is not full of blood, you can drink drinks and take painkillers without a medical kit, so that you can slowly return to full blood volume.

Finally, I want to say that drinks are more common in the map, while painkillers are much less. So you can pick up the drinks or painkillers when you see them.

Orange scent 2024-04-15 04:33:26
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