
How to try Taobao,

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Here's how to try out Taobao's treasures, hoping to help you

Operation method

First, you must have a Taobao account. Enter the home page of Taobao, there is such a column on the left.

Find a promotional offer. You will see this trial center.

Click in, such as this mask

Come in like this. Click Free Application.

Then, the login will appear. Just enter your password

After successful login. Confirm the shipping address. You can succeed

Thank you for your time 2024-05-16 07:12:08
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Latest answers Change


Q: What are snakes afraid of

A: Snakes are afraid of cats, eagles, eagles, badgers, hedgehogs, foxes, doves, mongooses, lizards, etc. Snakes are also afraid of substances with pungent smell, such as realgar, tobacco, sulfur, alcohol, etc. Snakes are the general name of reptiles with degenerated limbs, belonging to the order Serpentiformes of Reptilia. Like all reptiles, snakes are covered with scales. All snakes are carnivorous animals. At present, there are more than 3000 kinds of snakes in the world.

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