
Detailed steps and methods of win10 reinstallation system

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The high-profile win10 system has been out for a long time. What are the detailed steps and methods of reinstalling the win10 system? Generally, you only know that you need a USB flash disk or CD-ROM drive to reinstall the system, but you still don't know how to reinstall the system. Here's how to reinstall the Win10 system with one click.

Operation method

Please turn off all anti-virus software, security guards and system firewalls to avoid installation failure due to false positives or interception;

Download and install the reinstallation software, open it and click "Reinstall the system immediately";

After running the software, the current system environment will be detected. After the detection is completed, click the green button "Detection completed, next step" below, and the data backup phase will be reached;

You can check Backup<My Documents><Favorites><Desktop>Files,<Broadband Account and Password>and then click the green button "Backup Data to Next" according to your own needs;

In the system selection interface, select the version of the system you want to reinstall, and then click "Install this system" in the rear to enter the system download phase;

After the system enters the download phase, the manual operation part ends. All the following steps are automatically operated by the software, and no manual click operation is required;

After the countdown is completed, the software will automatically restart the computer and enter the installation process of the system. The installation process first needs to go through the GHOST restore process, without any operation;

When the system installation is completed, it will automatically restart and enter the new system desktop, which means that the system installation is successfully completed.

hot tip

Back up the important files on the C disk and the desktop, or use the built-in backup function to back up data to prevent data loss

Drunk pillow 2024-05-14 17:44:05
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