
2017 Dream Journey to the West

Peace is bliss
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In 2017 Dream Westward Journey, I will introduce you how to play gold coins and equipment in the team. If you don't know about it, you can come here and read it in detail.

Operation method

Open the game and click on the map of Ragged Land dungeon. Select the main team in the dungeon task. You must complete a team of five people to enter the dungeon.

Start to enter the dungeon. In the first level, the greedy little demon will release the tree root to immobilize himself. The captain should assign tasks at this time. One person should hit one monster. The skill should use a protective shield to protect everyone. Two people can attack the big boss together. Choose the skill Dragon Slaughter Blade+Dragon Return. When receiving the opposite attack, damage X2. Click the fire attribute to kill, Therefore, the boss will be rewarded with gold coins after being captured and killed.

The second level, there will be some red skills under the Houshan guards, which is a little like the feeling of breath. At this time, you need to use the golden bell mask skill. You need to press the X key repeatedly, and you need to attack one by one in the anti attribute attack. You need to knock off the shield held by the monkey monster to defeat. You also need to click the blood returning medicine to add blood. When you go to use the golden bell mask, you need to keep pressing the X key. There is a Houshan Land King boss behind, It takes five people to attack together to kill.

Third, the drunken knife and the waiting guard will throw out the wine bottle. Don't get too close. Run behind her and hit back. Press S to hit back. Then there will be a~What you need to do is press X, hit the body most, and keep hitting. Don't let her have a chance to release her skills. The use of the serial knife skill is an enemy within the range of skills. The knife can be killed. Five people will fight the waiting guard together, It is difficult to fight when waiting for guards. If you have great skills, you can release them until you die.

The fourth level, the spirit bead witch will release some red patterns, which is a bit like the feeling when breathing. At this time, you need to use protection skills. Press Z to upgrade that skill, and ask the blood skill to add blood to everyone. The captain needs to attack with magic skills. After running to the enemy, another teammate needs to attack with lightning. In this way, we can eliminate them.

The fifth level, the ghost soldiers are difficult to fight and will revive twice, so you have to defeat them twice. One teammate wants to use the dragon head gun to clear the monsters, and let the dragon head gun output. The captain controls the monsters to attack up to 1500 liters. The other teammate also needs to add blood to the friend. Other team-mates also use X+attack knife to kill.

At the sixth level, the three guards, the herald and the guard, are more powerful. They should attack them separately. If they stay together, they can put one red. The damage of the skill is very high, so we need to fight two against one. The captain needs to add medicine to the blood of his teammates, so we must pay attention to the tactics used when playing. When one of them dies, the other side will become white and powerful. Kill one of them to defeat them.

The last level is the five boss monsters. It is very difficult to defeat them, and when one of them dies, the other side will become stronger. At this time, two people will beat one of them first, and the red one can only be killed by clicking the fire attribute. The red one must use the ice attribute to kill. It also needs to use the ice spirit to burst skills. Five people will play skills together, and keep pressing the X key until they defeat them, and then come out to complete the task.

hot tip

There are various forms of five opening, and it is easier to form a team and have high attack power.

Peace is bliss 2024-05-16 07:55:32
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