
How to make delicious fried beef with bamboo shoots and green peppers?

smile drily
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Operation method

Prepare a proper amount of beef, wash it with clean water, cut it into pieces, and then prepare a proper amount of ginger, cut it into shreds after washing, put it on it, add a proper amount of salt, chicken essence, five spice powder, soy sauce, cooking wine, mix well, and marinate for about 15 minutes.

Prepare a water bamboo, wash it and remove the skin; Prepare some fresh mushrooms and green peppers; Prepare a little more carrots, rub them into shreds, and put them on a plate for standby.

Cut water bamboo into thin slices, mushroom into slices, green pepper into shreds, and put them on plates for standby.

Put a proper amount of oil in the frying pan. When the oil is hot, put the beef into the pan and stir fry until cooked. Beef cut into thin slices is easier to cook.

Pour shredded green pepper and water bamboo slices into the pot and stir well.

Pour the mushroom slices and the shredded carrots into the pot and stir well.

Add proper amount of salt, chicken essence and five spice powder according to your taste, and mix well.

Add a little soy sauce to brighten the color. Then add a little water to prevent sticking to the pan.

Prepare a proper amount of coriander, wash it, put it on it, stir it evenly, and then you can eat it. It's really delicious, and friends who like it can also try to make it.

smile drily 2024-04-21 16:04:54
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