
Whether the house is decorated with suspended ceiling or not is better

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First of all, if the height of our house is relatively low, it is better not to have a suspended ceiling. Generally, when the total height of the house is only more than 2 meters, it is better not to have a suspended ceiling, because the height of the house will be lower after the suspended ceiling, which will make the space very small, and some people who are tall will also be very depressed in the room.

If the total height of the house is very high, then the ceiling is relatively high. Especially when the height of the house exceeds 3 meters, the house will appear empty without ceiling. After the ceiling is suspended, the decoration of the house will appear very beautiful, so it is best to choose ceiling.

If we are going to build decorative walls during decoration, it is better to have suspended ceilings, which can make the decorative walls and suspended ceilings have the same style, so that the overall effect is better. If only the decorative walls have no suspended ceilings, it will look ugly.

Finally, when we decorate, we also need to consider the layout of the whole room. If there is less furniture in the room, we'd better have a suspended ceiling, which does not look particularly open. This is also one of the important considerations when considering whether to have a suspended ceiling.

Lifetime love 2024-04-18 10:51:59
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