
Increase skill points of Dark Knight in DNF95 version

Ginseng and vinegar don't meet
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When selecting skills for the dark warrior, how can we add them? This role is like the ghost swordsman. Let's teach you how to add skills

Operation method

Add a point on the top, and choose one of the two critical hits. It's time for the physical critical hit

There are not too many skills here, and skill points are wasted, which can be used as the leading point 1

In the back here, we will fill up our Dark Knights directly, as shown in the figure

Then when we add some points to the Dark Knights here, we also fill them directly

Then when we choose, we mainly add these points, which are also directly added

There is no way to strengthen when you choose to add points to the dark warrior, so the main points are as follows

Ginseng and vinegar don't meet 2024-05-21 16:21:21
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