
Homely Vinegar Cabbage

Warm bosom before dawn
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Vinegar cabbage is one of the household dishes. It tastes sour and sweet with spicy taste. Its ingredients include cabbage, dried chilli, vinegar, starch, etc.

Operation method

1. Take a few pieces of cabbage and clean them.

2. Tear the cleaned cabbage slices into small pieces.

3. Prepare dry chilli.

4. Prepare chopped ginger and garlic.

5. When everything is ready, pour the cabbage, ginger, garlic and dried chilli into the pan after the oil pan is heated. Stir fry, add a little salt and white vinegar. After stir frying again, you can stir the starch water and pour it directly on the cabbage.

6. Finally, stir fry a few times and sprinkle with MSG. In this way, the pickled cabbage is ready.

Warm bosom before dawn 2024-05-13 03:30:03
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