
What does it mean to be beautiful

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"Meipaolo" is a colloquial expression, which means "very beautiful, very beautiful". Among them, "beauty" means beauty and beauty, and "explosion" means "explosion, extreme, extreme". Therefore, "beautiful" means that something or someone has reached the extreme level of beauty, which is amazing and beyond people's imagination or expression. This term is usually used to describe the beauty of women, landscapes, works of art, etc.

Clear stars 2024-04-15 19:01:19
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Q: Can acorns be eaten

Answer: The acorn can't be eaten. The acorn contains high anti nutrient tannin (4.55%) and toxic hydrocyanic acid (0.98%). Tannin has astringent taste and poor palatability. Tannin can combine with protein in the diet in the digestive tract, thus reducing its utilization rate. Tannin can combine with protein in the gastrointestinal mucosa to generate tannic protein precipitation. It can weaken the motility of gastrointestinal tract and cause gastrointestinal atony, causing constipation of animals. A large amount of tannin can cause hemorrhagic or ulcerative gastroenteritis of animals, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Acorn kernel contains cyanogenic glycosides, which are not toxic in themselves, but after being eaten and chewed by animals, hydrocyanic acid is produced by hydrolysis under the action of enzymes coexisting with glycosides under the condition of water and appropriate temperature, causing poisoning or even death of animals.

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