
How to increase or decrease the grade of 300 meters?

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Many driver license examinees believe that it is very easy to pass subject two and subject three. In fact, subject 3 seems simple, but during the exam, there are still many operations that need more practice, such as gear shifting, which is a difficult skill to master. Now I will explain it to you.

Evaluation criteria

During the course of subject 3 examination, failing to steadily increase or decrease the gear according to the instructions of the examiner, it is determined as unqualified.

100 meter plus downshift test skills

When the car starts in gear 1, gently step on the accelerator pedal. After 3 seconds, release the accelerator pedal, step on the clutch and shift into gear 2;

Continue to refuel in gear 2 for about 3 seconds. When the vehicle speed reaches 30 km/h, release the accelerator pedal, step on the clutch and shift to gear 3;

Continue to refuel in gear 2 for about 5 seconds. When the vehicle speed reaches 40 km/h, shift to gear 4; If the vehicle speed reaches 50 km/h, shift into 5th gear;

After the upshift operation is completed, the accelerator pedal can be released once to decelerate. When the vehicle speed drops to the speed range of the lower gear, downshift immediately;

After shifting into the lower gear, continue to decelerate and downshift, and then downshift to the second gear in turn.


When shifting gears, keep your eyes on the front, do not look down at the gear lever, and do not shift gears step by step;

After the shift lever is moved to neutral, it can not be moved back and forth, and the position of each gear should be found at one time and accurately positioned;

When the right hand moves the gear lever to shift gears, the left hand should not hold the steering wheel too tightly to prevent direction deviation caused by shaking;

When shifting from gear 1 to gear 2, the clutch pedal should be lifted slowly. When shifting from gear 3 to gear 4 and from gear 4 to gear 5, the clutch circuit board can be lifted up and down with great force.

hot tip

Tips from the driving test dictionary: more driving test related skills can be learned and exchanged in the driving test dictionary app!

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