
What to do if SIM card of mobile phone is lost

Young and frivolous
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Operation method

The mobile phone SIM card is also called the mobile phone card. After losing it, you must go to the relevant business hall immediately to report the loss, otherwise it is very likely that personal property will be lost, so if you find it lost, you must report it immediately.

If you find that your mobile phone card is lost, you need to take the original ID card when you applied for the SIM card to the relevant business hall immediately and ask the staff of the business hall to help you report the loss.

When reporting the loss, the person reporting the loss will be asked to provide the recharge record or activation time of the number five days ago and two months ago, and to provide at least three calling numbers five days ago and two months ago.

Alipay, Taobao, WeChat, etc. are all registered and logged in with mobile phone numbers. It is conceivable that if the SIM card is lost, if it is used by intentional people and involves economic transactions, it is likely to lose a lot of property.

Young and frivolous 2024-04-16 17:32:40
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