
How to get to the Dark Moon Circus of World of Warcraft

As bright as spring flowers
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How to get out of the new Dark Moon Circus in World of Warcraft 4.3? Many people know how to get to the Dark Moon Circus. How can the Dark Moon Circus get out? Now I will explain how to get out of the Dark Moon Circus. Suppose we have been on the Dark Moon Island, where the Dark Moon Circus is located, and take a look at this picture. This is the map of Dark Moon Circus. The place where the red circle is drawn at the bottom is the seaside at the bottom. Run here first. How to get out of the Dark Moon Circus When you run to the seaside at the bottom of the map, you can see two shining portals, the left side is LM, and the right side is BL. Then you can click the portal. Don't worry about the wrong point. The opposite camp can't click. Then we returned to the portal of the Dark Moon Circus at the very beginning. I am BL, so I take BL as an example. The front of LM is the same, but the place after coming out is different.

As bright as spring flowers 2024-05-13 00:05:58
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Q: What does the gong bao in the gong bao jiding refer to

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