
Brewing method of green plum wine

be cynical
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Green plum wine is a kind of wine brewed with green plum as raw material. It has a fresh and sweet taste and is a good drink in summer. The following is the brewing method of green plum wine:

Materials required: 1. Green plum 1kg 2. White sugar 500g 3. Sorghum wine or liquor 1.5L

Step: 1. Clean the green plum, and use a toothpick to pierce several holes on the plum to facilitate the penetration of wine. 2. In a clean glass bottle or ceramic bottle, add green plum, white sugar, sorghum wine or white spirit in turn. 3. Close the bottle cap tightly and place it in a cool and dry place. Shake the bottle at intervals to make the liquor permeate evenly. 4. Let it stand for about a month, and enjoy it when the green plum wine becomes more and more strong.

Precautions: 1. The brewing process of green plum wine should pay attention to hygiene, and the bottles and tools should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 2. The brewing time of green plum wine can be determined according to individual taste, generally about one month. 3. During the brewing of green plum wine, the bottle should not be shaken too violently to prevent the bottle from breaking. 4. After the green plum wine is brewed, ice cubes or cold boiled water can be added in proper amount for better taste.

be cynical 2024-04-15 08:30:28
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