
How to recuperate chronic constipation

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How to recuperate long-term constipation? Defecation is a very complex physiological process, and the factors that cause constipation must be complex, involving the comprehensive influence of many factors such as diet structure, spirit, psychology, and social factors. Here is how to regulate long-term constipation.

How to recuperate chronic constipation

Patients who adjust their emotions should maintain a good attitude, be patient and confident, and adhere to multiple courses of systematic treatment.

The biological clock, which can maintain the balance of work and rest in an orderly manner, is the basis for stabilizing various physiological functions of the human body, and the stool law is also dominated and regulated by the biological clock. The patient should develop the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. The life is rhythmic, the biological clock is stable, and the stool law will also be incorporated into the biological clock track.

Reasonable diet and defecation are most closely related to diet. The diet structure determines the character and frequency of defecation. Therefore, in order to improve constipation, we should first adjust the diet structure, eat more coarse cereals, fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and avoid frying, dry frying, and stimulating foods.

For patients with constipation after training, the rule of defecation needs to be re cultivated, and the conditioned reflex is formed through intensive training. In addition, with diet and life conditioning and Chinese medicine treatment, constipation will be slowly cured. Training method: choose your own relatively free morning, and defecate at this time every day. If you have no intention of defecating, you must also defecate; And when defecating, you need to concentrate. You can't talk on the phone or read books or newspapers. Develop the habit of regular defecation.

Physical exercise Strengthen physical exercise, strengthen physique and improve various physiological functions of the human body. Change the static lifestyle, increase outdoor activities, enhance intestinal peristalsis and facilitate defecation.

Drug treatment For patients with constipation, drugs should be used to assist in defecation. Drugs for constipation include lactulose, polyethylene glycol 4000, etc. At the same time, I recommend you the drug "Shutaiqing" with pure physical effects, which has a good effect on constipation. It can increase the water content of feces, and will not cause water and electrolyte imbalance when used in large quantities. It is safe for children, the elderly, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and patients with liver and kidney dysfunction, and can help patients develop good bowel habits.

hot tip

In daily life, we should strengthen physical exercise, and drink at least 8-10 cups of water every day. Drinking a cup of light salt water or cold boiled water in the morning can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and soften feces.

You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age 2024-05-16 22:25:19
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