
How to fold roses

Love needs courage
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Operation method

The folding method is the same as that of all origami roses. You can choose your preferred direction of paper, and the color is also customized. However, since it is to make origami roses, it is best to choose red paper. First, fold the paper vertically and horizontally, and after unfolding, two crisscross folds will be left in the middle of the paper. Next, make a reverse folding at random to get the rectangular structure.

Then, on the basis of the rectangular structure, fold the edge of the square paper with the center line upward. The width of the fold is about 1cm, which can also be adjusted according to your needs. Then unfold the origami model so that you can see and make two more creases. Then rotate the paper 90 degrees and fold it in the same way. After unfolding, two more creases will be left in the middle of the paper. In this way, you can get the style with four new creases crossing in the middle, as shown in the figure.

Fold the origami model horizontally and vertically for two consecutive times to form a small square. This is the style shown in the figure. Then turn the corner where the center point of the paper is located upward, and the turning point is at the intersection of the two nearest creases. The specific point position and folding method can be folded by referring to the style shown in the origami diagram. After folding, unfold the origami model, and you can see that there is a small square left in the center of the paper after this step of folding.

In this step, we mainly make pre creases (similar to other origami roses here, for example, Origami Rose Tutorial: folding method of simple manual origami roses). That is, according to the way shown in the origami diagram, fold the position of the yellow line into a pre crease. The remaining three positions of this sheet are folded in the same way. After this folding, you can rotate the paper.

After the above steps are completed, we will get the origami rose crease style as shown in the figure. With the aid of pre crease, Kawasaki rose like rotary polymerization can be carried out next. If you feel some doubt, you can also refer to other origami rose tutorials, for example: teach you how to make origami roses hand by hand. Among them, there are aggregated operations.

After the initial aggregation is completed, we can see all the folding styles as shown in the figure from top to bottom. The middle part is an inward folding structure. If you do not have such an origami structure, you should check to see if there is any error. Generally, as long as the front pre crease is correct, the subsequent production will be completed smoothly.

Then, as shown in the origami diagram, leave a pre crease between the two points in the middle of the origami model. This is a local folding, so pay attention to the weight and extent of the hand when folding. The remaining three corresponding to the same parts are also folded in the same way, leaving a pre crease for later folding.

After the final completion, we will partially expand the origami model. At this time, we should see the folding style shown in the figure in front of us, and some creases appear at the same time. These pre creases will play a crucial role in the later rotary polymerization. The production here is basically the same as that of Kawasaki roses.

Turn the origami model over to get the style shown in the figure. You can see that this appearance also appeared in the process of making the Origami Rose Tutorial Square Origami Rose Tutorial. It can be seen that their folding methods all adopt the same principles and methods.

After rotating the origami model, we get the origami style as shown in the figure. It can be seen that this kind of origami style basically has the shape of origami rose, but now more processing is needed to make it more beautiful and good-looking.

Fold the bottom up, that is, fold it as shown in the origami diagram. After that, you can start to reshape the handmade origami rose. The focus of plastic surgery is actually to fold and arrange the petals of origami roses. Finally, whether the effect really looks good depends on your plastic skills.

You can see that the finished handmade origami rose is also very beautiful!

Love needs courage 2024-05-05 16:21:32
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