
World of Warcraft: A complete set of thieves' unlock strategies

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The bandit unlocking skill is a required skill for every thief. The previous skills in various forums have gradually become impractical with the improvement of the version. I will re post a post here to talk about the experience of unlocking. Note: generally speaking, the post of practicing unlocking has a stage to improve the skills of unlocking. As we all know, thieves are a solo profession, It seems that it is not efficient to find a place to practice unlocking or opening the door. This article gives appropriate practice methods throughout the level training route. After selecting the level 1-100 attacking roles, the thieves rush to the level with peace of mind. After reaching the level 16, they learn the unlocking skills from professional trainers, and then continue to practice the level. When reaching the level 21, they can go to the Lakeside Town to open an airplane and receive the unlocking task and the key at the same time, According to the task guide, find the lockable box for practice at the corresponding place, and practice repeatedly until about 100. (It's better to practice 95+here. After all, it's free practice. You'd better practice more before you leave.) The robber unlocked the lock at 100-150 levels. After cleaning up the lakeside task, he moved to Night Town. After finishing the tasks in July, July, August, and August, he almost reached level 30. At this time, go to the Night Ogre Mountain to start your stealing journey: Stealing Ogre. The box here is Iron Lockbox. The advanced level of practice is 80-125, You can go to the wetland when the unlocking is close to 125. If you want to gain experience when practicing unlocking, you can go to kill the Fishman Camp near the Third Fleet. The boxes everywhere refresh quickly. You can stop practicing when the unlocking is 150. What's the reason? Hehe, because you have reached the upper limit of your skills, you should pay attention to the following: the skill proficiency of unlocking is 5 points per level, which means that when you reach level 60, you can unlock 300. If someone below level 60 says that he has unlocked 300, it is sheer nonsense. After leaving the wetland, thieves can go to the Thorn Valley, Alaxi Highland, Nanhai Town to practice, and unlocking can be left aside temporarily, Be relieved to update your level and equipment. You can still make many friends because you really start to cooperate with your teammates to complete the replica at the beginning of Bloody. Later replicas have high requirements for everyone's operation, especially RP, Your long-term partner of the dungeon should pay attention to looking for it at this time. Bloody can open the door and unlock it, but don't stand there and wait for the door to open when you encounter it, because the door will not be unlocked when you open it during the 20 minute cooling time. You can go to the Pain Castle in the wilderness when you mix to level 40, where the refresh speed of the box can just keep up with your monster killing speed, Killing monsters and unlocking in one direction for one hour can finish the work, and the skill has reached 200. After the thieves unlock the 200-250 level attack and 40 level attack, Gakison, Feilas, You can steal Sturdy Junkboxes at this stage. The advanced level is 175-250. Thieves unlock 250-300. Level 50-55. Go to several camps in the Watching Castle and continue to steal Heavy Junkboxes. The advanced level is 250 -? Then the stolen box was directly put into the bank for upgrading and then returned to open, Congratulations. You have successfully reached 300 when your fram level reached 60. The relevant information in the appendix is as follows: the relationship between the biological level and the stolen box Lvl 22-32 Battered Junkboxes abandoned box Lvl 32-42 Worn Junkboxes used old box Lvl 42-52 Sturdy Junkboxes solid box Lvl 52+Heavy Junkboxes heavy box heavy bronze lock box Heavy Bronze Lock Box Lock box Ornate Bronze Lockbox Iron Lockbox (80 -?) Strong Iron Lockbox (130 -?) Steel Lockbox (175 -?) Reinforced Steel Lockbox (225 - never) Mithril Lockbox (225 - never) Thorium Lockbox (225 - never) Eternium Lockbox (225 - never) The skill required to open the lock in the copy is Nomoregan Gnomergan (150-200) (timed) Scarlet Monastery (175 -?) (timed) Searing Gorge Gate (225-280) (timed)//It can reach 295, but it is difficult to upgrade the Blackstone Abyss BRD (280-300) (timed) Spiritual Institute Scholoman (280-300) (timed) after the lock turns green in the later stage

Love for a long time, love for a long time 2024-05-15 20:15:57
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