
What tourist attractions are most worth visiting in Shengsi Islands?

Untroubled ronin
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What do you play in Shengsi tourism? Shengsi tourism is to play in the sea, play on the beach, watch the seascape, and eat seafood. The famous tourist attractions in Shengsi include Dabei Mountain, Shengsi's original ecological blue coast resort belt, and Jihu beach, all of which are must see places for tourists. The two-day tour includes Dabei Mountain, Jihu Beach, and the three-day tour can combine Shengsi's original ecological blue coast resort belt, which is an excellent place for Shengsi's scenery.

Recommended tourist attractions in Shengsi

Shengsi Original Ecological Blue Coast Leisure Tourism Resort is located at the easternmost end of Sijiao Island, where Shengsi County is located. It is composed of North Chaoyang Sea Fishing Base Scenic Spot, Liujingtan Scenic Spot, and Monkshangtao Scenic Spot. At present, the three scenic spots implement the one ticket system. Monk Set Scenic Area: located at the easternmost end of Sijiao Island, with emerald mountains, lush vegetation and abundant negative oxygen ions in the atmosphere, it is a rare "natural oxygen bar" in the urban agglomeration. There are cultural landscapes with island characteristics such as glass viewing platform and Cape Tea House in the scenic area. The continuous thousand meter wooden plank road is the link connecting the north and south Chaoyang Scenic Area; Six Well Pond Scenic Spot: one of the ten scenic spots in Shengsi, located at the easternmost end of Sijiao Island. It is named after the six deep ponds that open to the sea, so it is called "Six Well Pond", also known as "the end of the land", meaning that the land of Sijiao Island ends here. Here, the jagged rocks and strange rocks are piled up, which is a desperate place to watch the sunrise and the thousands of boats are launched. Here you can view the cliffs, hear the sound of waves everywhere, lean against the fence and face the wind, and feel the magic changes of the sea. There are also air raid shelters in the scenic area, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. Beichaoyang Sea Fishing Base Scenic Spot: It has unique sea fishing resources. Due to the special geographical environment of the Yangtze River converging with the East China Sea, a large number of planktonic, shellfish and algal organisms are produced, which provides rich bait for the fish in the North Chaoyang offshore. There are not only various spotted fish that live here all the year round, but also valuable fish species such as porgy and perch that are migratory and recognized by the international sea fishing movement, Regardless of variety or quantity, the North Chaoyang Sea Fishing Base is your ideal fishing place. With the natural landscape of mountain and sea, the scenic area has a beautiful environment and fresh air. Looking at the whole coast from the plank road, you can feel relaxed and happy. Shengsi is the best place to view the sea scenery.

A must see place for Shengsi tourism! Jihu Beach is the largest natural bathing beach in Zhoushan Islands. The beach of Jihu integrates oasis, beach and bay, with fine and clean golden sand, flat slope, rippling sea water and green trees. Located in the central bay on the north side of the island and the core area of Shengsi Islands Scenic Area, Kee Lake Beach has the reputation of "South Beidaihe", and can also be comparable to Hawaii in the United States. It has become one of the best seaside tourist attractions in East China. Since its official opening in 1987, it has successfully held the first national sailing sports competition, the national beach volleyball match and other coastal events. In 2006, the opening ceremony of the third Shengsi Mussel Culture Festival was also held here. The beach of Jihu Lake is close to the mountain and the sea, slightly plunging into the sea in the shape of a crescent moon, covering an area of 0.4 square kilometers and in a narrow shape. The beach is solid, sandy and clean, and the waters under the beach are gentle, with the water depth between 0.2 and 0.4. Two dark red islands are dotted. The beach stone is wide and clean, and the sand is fine and soft. Walking on it is like walking on a carpet, and the air is fresh and unusual, which makes tourists feel comfortable and comfortable. The beach is surrounded by black pines and green bamboos, and a touch of lush forest is more than 10 miles long. It is a rare island resort with blue sea and golden sand, wide water and sky, and different seasons. In this place, bathing, sand bathing, sunbathing and sea sports are very leisurely and comfortable. There are resorts and hotels nearby, and there are complete recreational facilities on the beach. Every summer, tourists come in an endless stream. The night scene of the Jihu Lake just emerging from the crescent moon is sparkling, and the bay is full of silvery light, which also has a unique artistic conception of "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night". However, tourists who are intoxicated with the beautiful scenery should not forget that the beach of Jihu was once turned into an amphibious airport by the Japanese invaders, serving as a sea base for attacking Husong. On the beach, there is a beach, equipped with surfing, sailing, sea bathing, sand bathing, bonfire party, motorboat, camping, beach volleyball, self-service barbecue and other entertainment facilities. There are a few clams, clams and crabs in the sand and stones on the beach. Catching crabs with a flashlight at night is another great pleasure on the beach of Jihu. There are inner and outer hills near the beach. Li Hill is a high platform on the beach. The mountain is full of weeds and some small pine trees. There are small caves cut manually on the rock wall. This mountain can be climbed to the top of the mountain. The mountain top is flat, and there is a small pavilion, which is a good place to overlook the blue sky and sea. Not far from the inner hill, there is a hill across the shallow water, that is, the outer hill. No one can reach it. Looking at its scenery from a distance, the outer hill is shining in the blue waves, which is also very charming. Compared with Nanchangtu beach, the beach of Jihu beach is soft, and the sand and stone are whiter and more delicate. Because of its relatively mature development, the sea area is relatively healthy, while the Nanchangtu beach is more quiet and the surrounding fishermen are more attractive because of its remoteness. The newly built "If You Are the One" log cabin resort in 2012 is located in the center of the Jihu beach, with excellent seascape, and will be put into trial operation in July 2012.

Dabei Mountain is located in Tian'ao Village, east of Sijiaoshan Island, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province. It has beautiful mountains and excellent views. In the Tang Dynasty, Dabei Mountain was called Sijiaoshan Island. It is named after the great mercy in the Buddhist Guanyin culture. Located in the east of Sijiao Island, it is the third peak of Shengsi Islands. It is connected with peaks in the west and the sea in the east, forming an equilateral triangle with the beach of Jihu Lake and the beach of Changtu in the south. Lingyin Temple of Dabei Mountain, which rises from the mountain, has three wing rooms in the north and south, covering a total area of more than 400 square meters. The main hall is called the Mahavira Hall. The main Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, sits against the wall, up to 1 zhang high. Behind the wall is the Thousand handed Avalokitesvara, as well as the Heavenly King Hall and Arhat Hall. In the eighth year of Tianfu in the Later Jin Dynasty (943), monks built Zifu Academy on the mountain, which is a Buddhist resort in Shengsi. Lingyin Temple was built in the 11th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1873). As the branch temple of Yuantong Temple on Mount Putuo, it was full of incense and became more brilliant after reconstruction in 1987. During the Buddhist period, villagers from all islands in the county come in groups to burn incense and worship the Buddha. Sightseeing platform is set at the highest point of Lingyin Temple, which is the best point to climb up and take a panoramic view of the two beautiful beaches of Jihu Lake and Nanchangtu, formerly known as the "Great Compassion Summit". In the polar view, the islands and reefs stand far and near. In the vast blue sea and sky, clouds surge, and you feel like you are in Penglai Paradise. In the polar view, the islands and reefs stand far and near, the vast blue sea and sky are filled with clouds, and visitors feel like they are in Penglai Paradise. According to textual research, the eminent monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty made six eastward voyages. Two times, he was forced to berth in the Dabei Mountain and other islands due to strong winds and waves. It was not until the sixth time that he arrived in Japan via the Shengsi Islands to complete his great wish of eastward voyages. A few years ago, Shengsi County built Jianzhen's boat berth at the foot of Dabei Mountain to commemorate this eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty who made great contributions to the spread of Chinese civilization.

hot tip

In order to reduce food poisoning caused by eating seafood, try to buy live crabs, especially dead crabs. Seafood with carapace should be cleaned with clean water before cooking. Before the shellfish is cooked, immerse it in light salt water for about one hour to allow it to spit out sediment automatically. The immersion time should not be too long.

When seafood is eaten raw, first freeze it and then pour some light salt water. For people with poor intestinal immune function, eating raw seafood is potentially fatal. You can put oysters on ice and pour some light salt water on them to effectively kill the bacteria, so they are safer to eat raw. Beer is not suitable for seafood. It is better not to drink a lot of beer when eating seafood, or it will produce too much uric acid, which will cause gout. Eating seafood should be accompanied by dry white wine, because the fruit acid has the function of sterilization and deodorization. Arthritis patients eat less seafood. Because sea cucumbers, turtles, kelp, seaweed, etc. contain too much uric acid, which can form uric acid crystals in joints after being absorbed by the human body, aggravating the symptoms of arthritis.

Seafood should not be eaten with some fruits. Fish, shrimp and algae in seafood are rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients. If they are eaten with fruit containing acid, such as grapes, pomegranates, hawthorns and persimmons, not only will the nutritional value of protein be reduced, but this substance will stimulate the intestines and stomach, causing human discomfort, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Therefore, it is better not to eat fruit immediately after a seafood feast. Seafood should be eaten with these fruits at least 2 hours apart.

After eating seafood, do not eat cold drinks, watermelons and other food within one hour, and do not go swimming immediately Do not swim in non swimming areas, do not drink before swimming, prevent exposure to the sun after landing, and do not swim after strenuous exercise.

Untroubled ronin 2024-05-18 07:54:28
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