
How long does uv glue cure completely without ultraviolet light

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UV glue is a kind of glue that uses ultraviolet light source for curing. The curing time of UV glue depends on many factors, such as the power of UV light source, distance, irradiation time, thickness and composition of glue, etc.

Generally speaking, the curing time of UV adhesive is between a few seconds and a few minutes. For thin glue coating (about 0.1-0.2mm), it usually requires only a few seconds of ultraviolet radiation to completely cure. For thicker coatings (about 1-2mm), it takes longer to cure, which may require several minutes of irradiation.

In addition, the composition of UV glue will also affect the curing time. Different UV adhesives have different chemical composition and formula, so their curing time will be different. Some special UV adhesives, such as high-temperature curable UV adhesives and low-temperature curable UV adhesives, also affect the curing time.

In short, the curing time of UV glue depends on many factors, so when using UV glue, it should be adjusted according to the specific situation. When using UV glue, you should carefully read the product manual and operate according to the recommendations in the manual.

down-to-earth 2024-04-17 12:00:35
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