
How to take beautiful looking back photos?

One meter sunshine
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The first one we introduce is a look back photo that is suitable for taking full body photos. When taking a snapshot at the beginning of a step, it can not only appear long legs, but also make the whole person feel very temperament, even a little playful

In addition, I will introduce you to stand on the windowsill or railing, mainly take the upper part of the body, and then turn around to smile at the camera. For example, in the photo of Liu Yifei below, does it feel like looking back and smiling

The second thing is to take advantage of the surrounding scenery, which is very suitable for taking photos with ancient style. It is to take photos from top to bottom at an angle slightly covered by the surrounding background, and then take photos of the whole body. It is just a little peeping. Such photos are also very beautiful

At last, I will introduce you how to take a beautiful look back photo in the vast crowd on the street. The main thing is to find the light, angle, highlight the protagonist, and sometimes take advantage of the wind to take a messy and beautiful look back photo in the wind

One meter sunshine 2024-04-17 13:55:14
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